NEPA Essentials Bundle

Our NEPA Essentials Bundle is designed to help you onboard new hires quickly and efficiently with essential training on NEPA and environmental permitting.  

This package includes the following: 

• Lifetime access to our on-demand training platform NEPA Tools, providing users with an extensive library of training modules to supplement their learning and provide ongoing support ($999 value) 

• Applying the NEPA Process and Writing Effective NEPA Documents, a comprehensive 3-day live-virtual training that covers the basics of NEPA ($800 value) 

• Cultural and Natural Resource Compliance, a 3-day live virtual training on cultural and natural resource laws and regulations that are critical for NEPA and environmental permitting compliance ($800 value) 

• Accelerating Environmental Reviews with Technology: Tips and Techniques, a 1-day live-virtual training on how technology is being used to make the environmental review process more effective and efficient. ($350 value) 

This package represents a total value of $2,949, but we are offering it at a special discounted price of $2,150, saving you $799. 

Each of the three trainings included in the package - Applying the NEPA Process and Writing Effective NEPA Documents, Cultural and Natural Resource Compliance, and Accelerating Environmental Reviews with Technology: Tips and Techniques - are available three or four times per year. This means that individuals can choose to take the trainings at a time that is convenient for them and fits their schedule. Our on-demand training platform NEPA Tools is available 24/7, giving users the flexibility to access training materials and resources at their own pace, on their own schedule. This flexibility is designed to help new hires quickly get up to speed on environmental permitting regulations and achieve compliance, while minimizing disruption to their work schedules.