Overview of the National Historic Preservation Act /Section 106


Participants learn to understand and initiate Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.


Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Understand what triggers Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
  • Initiate their agency’s Section 106 process
  • Consult with Indian Tribes for undertakings affecting tribal lands on or off the reservation
  • Understand the roles of State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs), Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPOs), and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) in the process
  • Compose a legal Memorandum Of Agreement (MOA) and Programmatic Agreement (PA), being sure to include all appropriate parties, content, and stipulations associated with the project


We tailor each workshop to meet the needs of the participants. The basic format of the interactive workshop includes the following components:

  • Reviewing NHPA
    Understand NHPA and what sections affect actions undertaken by federal agencies.
  • Triggering Section 106 of NHPA
    Explore what actions trigger the Section 106 process.
  • Understanding MOAs and PAs
    Learn what stipulations to include in an MOA and when to execute a PA. ACHP’s recommended formats for MOAs and PAs are included for reference. A sample MOA and PA are included for exercise and discussion.
  • Reviewing Roles and Responsibilities
    Understand the role of SHPOs, THPOs, and ACHP. Review how the current Section 106 process may affect your agency’s process for preserving historic properties.
  • Consulting with Indian Tribes for Undertakings On or Off Tribal Lands
    Recognize that in addition to the consultation requirements, tribal sovereignty and other authorities may influence Section 106 consultation and must be taken into consideration.


Participants for this training generally include state and tribal historic preservation officers, resource managers, environmental planners, agency decisionmakers, resource specialists, and others who need an overview of the Section 106 process.


Section 106 of the NHPA Overview is an interactive workshop designed with both new and experienced resource managers in mind. For optimal learning, class size is limited to 30 participants.This 1- or 2-day workshop consists of a carefully designed combination of the following:

  • 70% Lecture
  • 30% Exercises


Participants receive a workshop booklet designed to support the instruction and to serve as an ongoing reference.